



Great meaning and purpose comes from cross-generational connections, this is especially true with young and old. Playgroup aged children enrich the lives of our elderly, our lonely, our isolated, our sick and older people offer our children so much love, wisdom, knowledge and nurturing. We highly value these relationships and we aspire to create more intergenerational opportunities.

What are Intergenerational Playgroups?

Intergenerational playgroups bring together young children and their parents/carers and older people (three generations), for enjoyable and creative activities to mutually engage with.

Intergenerational playgroups provide socialisation and can be a means of interpersonal, cognitive and physical stimulation. Aged care facilities hosting intergenerational playgroups can make the opportunity accessible for residents, and potentially decelerate the physical, cognitive and mental consequences of ageing. Ageing adults deserve the opportunity to maintain, or regain, their sense of joy in life and their ability to live a fulfilling and rewarding life. Tiny hands may be the helping hand to do so.

Interested in Starting an Intergenerational Playgroup? 

Connect with us for support!

Through collaborative efforts with like-minded services, Playgroup Victoria has developed intergenerational opportunities for older people in their communities. We are in a unique position, equipped to acquire knowledge and build understanding about the success factors, including: design, planning and the ability to deliver sustainable intergenerational playgroups. This has enabled us to develop program documentation to assist and support interested parties in establishing thriving and meaningful intergenerational playgroups.

If you have an interest in establishing an intergenerational playgroup, please connect with us via the form below to receive more information.

Intergenerational programs are gaining traction around the world, from primary – senior school children, and more recently intergenerational programs involving preschool children as featured in the ABC documentary (aired 27/8/2019 and 6/4/21), “Old People’s Home for 4-Year-Olds” Watch now on ABC iView, click the link below to view past episodes

We can learn a great deal from one another, regardless of age

Playgroup, usually an early years and parenting experience, is destined to shine a light on the benefits of, and the need for, relational-based opportunities to bring together different aged human beings. Playgroup naturally brings generations together, children and their parents/carers, creating and supporting meaningful relationships within and beyond playgroup. The idea of intergenerational play offers opportunities to bring young children and older people together, setting up enjoyable, fun, and creative activities to engage with each other in a safe and supportive environment. This is a win-win scenario: ageing adults have much to offer those at the other end of the life spectrum, including time and patience.

A growing body of research and innovative programs are demonstrating that participating in intergenerational activities results in many benefits for ageing individuals, including increased dignity and self-esteem, and reduced stress levels and anxiety. 

Intergenerational playgroups uniquely involve the parent-child dyad, and the ageing adults, bringing together three generations together to participate in mutually enjoyable activities. Seniors, who may otherwise engage only with other ageing residents, can interact and have fun with lively young children and their families. This can be energizing, providing stimulation, enjoyment, and important connections, resulting in positive health and wellbeing outcomes. Our ageing adults deserve the opportunity to maintain (or regain) their sense of joy in life and the ability to live a fulfilling and rewarding life. Tiny hands may be the helping hand to do so. 

Playgroup Stories

Our Intergenerational Playgroup Village

At Arnold’s Creek Grandparents Playgroup, there is an upbeat energy as younger and older alike draw each other in to enjoy the moment. The innate uplifting feeling of singing together, of sharing a story, looking closer at a fallen autumn leaf, exploring the colours and patterns of crayons as they glide on paper, the familiarity of a warm embrace. Together they peer closer at the fragments of life at playgroup, seeking different meanings, perspectives, and reassurance- it is a shared experience.

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A Decade of Memories and Moments Shared at Playgroup

“The most positive impact it has made on my life and of all those that have attended playgroup is the lifelong friendships we have made.”

A decade passes in long and short ways. One remarkable thing through time is the way that people arrive, once strangers, soon becoming deeply interwoven in your life through change and circumstance. This year Grandparents Playgroups in Moonee Valley celebrate their ten-year anniversary. Together they have marked milestones… 

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The Links in Life – Playgroup Champions Supporting The Community

This grandparent’s playgroup winds through generations. It exemplifies the playgroup philosophy: It takes a village to raise a child.
Sometimes, four generations of families come together. Several members of the group used to go to playgroup together when their own children were little. They have ducked and weaved through one another’s lives. Now all these years later they reunite at playgroup with their grandchildren and new families, traversing the seasons of time.

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Together Again – Intergenerational Play

It is approaching 10am on a cool spring morning. Everyone is at home. Young families congregate around the computer excitedly, with homemade cards, balloons and dress-ups. At Mercy Place in Ballarat and Blue Cross in Toorak, a group of older folk in residential care find a comfortable place to sit in their main gathering place, readily awaiting familiar faces on the screen. Here online, amid a 21st century pandemic, during another lockdown, three, sometimes four, cross-sections of society, from babies to people in their 90’s and above, come together- to share music, to share stories, to share moments and enliven their days with something so intrinsic to being human it often isn’t discussed- they come together to play.

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Restoring the Human Connection

People come and go at the Whittlesea Nursing Home. It is a revolving door of relatives, carers and staff. These people pique interest from the residents. They glance up to see if the visitor is for them. A wave of relief floods over some as they see a familiar face. When they look back at their life that has been, it is hard to imagine that they now live here…

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The Generational Gifts of Avondale Heights Grandparents Playgroup

If there is any anecdote to aging, it may be returning to a source of youth; readjusting our purpose in the turning chapters of life. For many grandparents, caring for their grandchildren is a joy that continues to give them meaning. Young children are good at reminding us of innocence and in many ways, simplicity…

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